Delivering quality solutions on time, every time

"..It's ironic how fortune disappears once reputation
and character is damaged.."

DSquared Connect

Our Heart

At DSquared Connect we’re M.A.D. –
Determined to Make A Difference!

Our Vision

Our Vision is to…Grow Spirituality, Society and Self in all we do, helping people and brands connect to their full potential.

Our Approach

There’s no magic wand to building a reputation, but there are a few winning strategies.

What We Do

Our approach is embedded in listening, identifying the critical business success factors and creating a stakeholder
matrix in order to build an integrated stakeholder communication plan

Reputation Management

The strategic approach to reputation management adopts listening as a critical success factor. Environmental scanning is used as a strategic tool to identify early warning signs and future opportunities. Good reputations are built over time.

We make sure that our clients communicate consistently, clearly and in a credible manner. People listen more to what you do than what you say – we will help to ensure your behaviour lines up with everything you say.

Stakeholder Communication

Knowing who the stakeholders are that can help you achieve your KPI’s is as important as knowing who those stakeholders are that can trip you up.

We will help you to identify and map your stakeholders. The mapping process extends to the prioritisation of stakeholders so that clear decisions are made about where to invest time and energy in order to derive value. Our expertise lies in simplifying the complexity of how stakeholders constantly shift along a continuum based on business values and priorities.

Being trusted by your stakeholders as well as being regarded as sustainable, legitimate, and socially responsible by society at large – will help to achieve the organisation’s non-financial goals and in turn’s its financial goals.

Crisis Communication

Navigating your reputation through a crisis is a difficult task.

DSquared Connect is equipped to help you design a custom crisis COMMUNICATION response strategy in order to limit the reputational damage and outfall resulting from the crisis. Our philosophy is ‘managing the peace times’ so that you have enough ‘goodwill credit’ to carry you through the crisis.

We understand that the operational response to the crisis is as important as the public response and that these two responses must be aligned.

Strategic Communication

How will you know what to communicate if you don’t listen? 

Through scanning the environment we will bring valuable insights into the communication strategy. Our approach is based on understanding your business priorities and in a structured fashion we will identify potential issues and pitfalls that should be addressed. Opportunities to positively position the brand will be maximised and we develop communication tactics that address stakeholder interests. All communication tactics are built in order to ensure that it helps to achieve your business priorities.

All communication strategies should be supported by cleverly created collateral to help get messages across in a clear, credible and memorable manner.

Project Management

Through our wide ranging skills we are well equipped to manage large and small scale projects.

Mega programmes often require cross functional inputs and we are able to manage and lead varying work streams required to contribute to the successful execution of projects and special programmes. We are able to competently navigate the complexities which often arise with project management. Our focus is on achieving the desirable outcomes which meet all pre-set objectives.

Publicity and Media

Helping you to create authentic, meaningful and relevant stories to maximise awareness of your brand and shape positive perceptions.

Our approach is strategic, this means that we will carefully craft a targeted media plan to make sure you’re reaching the right audience at the right time, with the relevant message. Through message management – crafting key messages and managing these messages proactively – it will help build credibility and create trust, in turn building your reputation.

Being media ready becomes a critical success factor – from media training, to media relations we understand the important contribution this makes to building a sound reputation.

Event Management

Events should be used as a strategic tool to help achieve business priorities.

Carefully considered events can add immense value to any business and serve as a platform that builds relationships and grows reputation.


The value of a think tank is often an overlooked critical success factor.

We can assist your business to facilitate sessions that can unlock critical insights, inform strategies and ultimately achieve business priorities.

Socio Economic Development

With the advent of social media and the increasingly active role society places at holding brands to account, ensuring that your brand holds a social license to operate is equally as important as holding the operating license.

Understanding your impact on society and how a strategic approach to socio economic development can be mutually beneficial to your business and the broader social context supports the sustainability of your business. This includes the important aspect of social facilitation. We can help to support big business projects that requires community buy-in.

Experiential Marketing

We can help to create emotional brand connections through memorable experiences and in invoking the five senses.

We will do this through:

  • Bespoke concept development based on the unique brand features
  • Creative execution of the bespoke campaigns
  • Continuous awareness and engagement

Contact us Today: We will call you back!

Contact Us on Tel: 082 377 4521 • 071 686 2740 • admin@d2connect.co.za